

Created by Toshihiro Sato
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Three Films.
Talking about "Godzilla"in 1954, "Godzilla - 1.0" and "Oppenheimer"
April 4, 2024, 7:00 p.m. start time
 01 02 03 04 日本語版リ ンク Japanese version link 01 02 03 04 Links to Japanese and English versions










佐藤:初めに私が『ゴジラー1.0 (マイナス・ワン)』を良しの?・・でもないかな・・その立場で語ります。花田先生には54年『ゴジラ』の方を語っていただき、映画を多量に鑑賞され続けてる鈴木先生に解説や間違いを、指摘していただくことにしたいと思います。



Tatsuro Hanada Freelance Social Scientist Born in 1947 in Nagasaki, Japan. Professor Emeritus, Waseda University. Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo

鈴木達治郎 原子力工学・原子力政策
衆議院 原子力問題調査 特別委員会原子力問題に関する件─原子力規制行政の在り方を読む
NHKアーカイブ「福島原発事故後、 原子力政策の見直しに着手」を観る

Tatsujiro Suzuki Nuclear Engineering and Nuclear Policy Born in Osaka, Japan in 1951 Professor, Deputy Director of the Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Nagasaki University; Councilor of the "Pugwash Conferences

 01 Deepl Translations

Sato: Dr. Suzuki, please join us today. Hanada-sensei, can you hear me?
Hanada: I can hear you.
Sato: I can hear you! I don't see a picture...
Suzuki: You have to OK if you want to access the camera to get a picture. Why don't you turn it off and try again?
Sato: I'll turn it off and we'll start over.  
    I'm going to start over from the beginning... I'm operating...

Sato: Let's start when Mr. Suzuki enters.
Suzuki: Yes.

Sato: Good evening. We are here today to talk about three films, "Godzilla", "Godzilla Minus One" and "Oppenheimer" from 1954, although we are online. Please stay with us as long as time permits, and thank you for your time. Hanada-sensei, have you seen "Oppenheimer"?
Hanada: I saw it. On the evening of March 31, you and Mr. Sato had a drink together in Okachimachi, and at that time Mr. Sato asked me, "Did you see Oppenheimer? I said, "No, I haven't seen it yet. I answered, "No, I haven't seen it yet. I will see it tomorrow.

Oh, I see (laughs). I returned from Okachimachi and saw it on the evening of April 1.
Hanada: I saw it on Saturday, but I lied when we met on Sunday. I don't know why, I guess you could call it a kind of movie drunkenness. After watching that movie, I was captivated by that movie, what can I say, I was in a state of drunkenness.
Sato: I see, because both the story and the picture creation were made in such a way that I was intoxicated.
Hanada: So I didn't talk about it because I was still thinking about how I should think about it. If I had told Mr.

Sato, he would have talked about the movie. I wanted to avoid that, so I said, "No, I haven't seen it yet.

Sato: I see, you continued to get drunk after watching the movie, that's a good feeling.

Hanada: Because you said, "I haven't seen it yet," I thought it was no use talking to someone who hadn't seen that movie. A film is an experience, an experience. If we talk about it with people who have shared that experience, it's fine. But it's no use talking about it with people who have not seen the movie and people who have seen the movie asymmetrically. I myself was in a state of drunkenness, and Mr. Sato had not seen the movie either, so I avoided talking about the movie at all costs.

Sato: You fell for the director's trick. So, shall we start with the movie "Oppenheimer"?

Hanada: You can start with "Godzilla".

Sato: I will start with "Godzilla 1.0 (Minus One)" for good?   First of all, I would like to talk about "Godzilla 1.0 (minus one)" from the standpoint of being a good person. I would like to ask Mr. Hanada to talk about "Godzilla" in 54 years, and Mr. Suzuki, who has watched a lot of movies, to explain and point out the mistakes.

Hanada: I think the first film is superior to the other one.

























kamikaze special attack unit

Air Raids by U.S. Forces on the Japanese mainland, a real-life video record


Sakai Air Raid  Scorched earth and the appearance of people's lives and barrack huts can be seen

Godzilla minus one  (drawn out)

Sato: I thought Minus One was a good idea because it accurately expresses the image of today's youth, especially men who have no choice but to continue living with their problems. There are a number of reasons, but I will list them as I think of them. First, "Isn't it odd that you start telling the story at the end of the Pacific War in Japan?" I thought. Is that a negative? It has been exactly 70 years since the release of "Godzilla" in 1954, and I started setting the time frame around the time of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, further back than the first film. Therefore, we were going to depict people about 10 years before the first film. The beginning of the picture is of a Zero fighter (Type Zero fighter), one of the kamikaze special attack force, flying over a large ocean, with a garrison (repairing?) base. It lands on Odo Island, which is probably a base. Since it started from there, I thought, "This is the plane that the Kamikaze pilots escaped from before the enemy...". In other words, I might have mistakenly thought, "It's an interesting story starring a male herbivore...".

The Japanese soldier piloting the Zero that landed is Koichi Shikishima, star of "Minus One. He says that the plane malfunctioned and landed...but the captain of the maintenance crew could not discover what was broken. He was convinced that he was a deserter or a fugitive. Why depict a Japanese soldier who deserved to die in a suicide attack, going back further than the first film? Why portray a suspected deserter as the main character who is in balance with Godzilla? I decided to watch the movie thinking that this was the underlying theme of the film.

It may be strange to interpret that I am drawing the young men of today as being unable to become full-time employees, while overlapping the fugitive soldiers with the situation they are placed in today. And since it is before 1945, how would I, who was born in 1951, the year Japan was granted independence, depict the prewar time and space, before I was even born yet? That is what interests me.

I guessed that the young men of today (2024) are also living to become Japanese soldiers = regular employees...................... Those who can win a seat as a regular employee are 1/3 of outstanding young men, and those who are defeated in this struggle can only live as temporary workers. Politics has not created a basic working environment that gives young people the confidence to live, and the employment patterns of the high-growth period have changed. It has been a long time since the prime minister flatly stated that self-help, public assistance, and mutual assistance are the order of the day.

During the postwar high-growth period, all men who wanted to find a job could become full-time employees. In this century, however, they have been transplanted into the temporary employment industry. Where did two-thirds of these transplanted youths come from? They are probably from the shuttered streets that exist all over the country, and which cannot be dismantled in the countryside, and they are young people who should have been self-employed or taken over the family business. Or perhaps they are those who have taken over the agriculture and forestry businesses that have supported the landscape of the mountains, forests, and rivers in every corner of Japan. These people were transplanted to temporary employment as the "lost 30 years" passed. Since they could not eat or have hope in self-employment or agriculture and forestry, they became shuttered streets, desolate mountains, and abandoned farmland.

At one time we heard calls for "local production for local consumption," but there are no stores close by, so we buy on the Web. I also order fresh groceries on the Web from my office via my PC. The delivery company delivers them at the designated time. This seemingly convenient system is supported by a large number of sit-jobs behind the scenes. In the future, people will continue to be needed to support the large number of dispatch workers and other such "sit-job" workers. Abenomics and the weak yen policies have been extreme, and workers from foreign countries are not coming to Japan. But they are going for 1/3rd chairs where salaries are stable and rising. If they lose the fight, they will be transplanted to the temp land. They will never achieve a permanent chair for the rest of their lives.

Koichi Shikishima cannot die with honor. Translated to the present, I thought he represented a young man who could not even become a corporate employee, a full-time employee, and had no choice but to continue living with a loss of self-confidence.

I also thought it was very current. Just as a long life in a dispatched land leaves one with no time or place to develop affection for one's neighbors, Shikishima was a defeated soldier who had also lost the psychological foundation that kept him alive. The screenplay, also directed by Takashi Yamazaki, is a cleverly crafted, skillful, and story that shows young people in a sympathetic way.

Picture: taken from Eiji Oguma's lecture video.

The setting in which Shikishima must live is a burnt-out Tokyo, where Japan suffered a massive air raid during the Pacific War. He returns to the place where Shikishima's parents' house used to be. Shikishima is thrown into an environment where not a single plant or tree grows. Young people can easily empathize with Shikishima.

On her way back to her parents' house, she meets Noriko Oishi on the street with her abandoned baby (Akiko). For some reason, the three of them decided to start living together. Although they returned to their parents' home, the woman next door had survived the fire, but she was still resilient.

Shikishima, a heartbroken ex-Japanese soldier, returned to Tokyo, but none of his blood relatives survived.

In "Minus One," Shikishima is united by blood and research ties as in the first "Godzilla" film, and there is no indication that he will face Godzilla (difficulties). Even up to this point, Shikishima does not meet anyone he knows. How will he survive in a scorched earth environment and heart? It will be interesting.

Tomorrow, a nuclear war breaks out... four people survive on an empty plateau... If you watch the film with this in mind, you will be interested in many things. A baby, a young woman, an aunt next door, and an island...how will they survive? I liked the setting of four people who are all scorched earth and furthermore not blood relatives, because it seems to express the state of mind that young men are in nowadays.

I'm going to skip a few...

Under war, Shikishima would have been court-martialed and shot, but the defeat keeps him alive. The land that the no-good man fled back to is even more scorched earth. I thought that setting was good. It is like orphans and lone adults after the atomic bombing.


Orphan camps in the A-bombed city: Father of 2,000, Yorito Kamikuri," a documentary about orphans who lived in the scorched earth after the atomic bombing.















What does the minus one Godzilla symbolize for today's young men with self-doubt? I imagined.

I thought it would be good to take it as a natural disaster that has been occurring frequently recently. It was 1995, the year of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and the Sarin gas attack on the subway. It becomes clear when we look back at the multiple disasters that entered the era of earthquakes and upheavals. The world of self-help is of endless interest, especially in light of the course of the major earthquake in the Noto region that occurred on New Year's Day 2024. Whether in the words and deeds of Governor Hase or the Prime Minister, self-help comes first. It is easy to think of those victims. The government's support is out of reach, and they have to survive on their own, just like Koichi Shikishima.

Gojira, disasters, and victims symbolized the political situation of the world today.

The baby, Noriko, and Koichi begin to live in a shack (?) in the scorched earth. The baby, Noriko, and Koichi begin to live in a shack (?) in the scorched earth. There is no front door, no idea where the kitchen is. The interior of the house looks like a mere one-room apartment without cooking facilities, probably bought from a convenience store (a food stall at that time). Shikishima, who has lost his self-confidence, is in pain there, living in agony night after night, and the two women he lives with are out of sight. He was portrayed as an inward-looking, brain-filled man. He was portrayed as an inward-looking, brain-filled man who could only understand himself and the world (?). He is a so-called Sekai-kei no good man who only understands himself and the world (?). That kind of setting was interesting.

The woman next door, who acts as if she is Shikishima's parent, only sends her a message and takes care of her, but not much conversation takes place. Similarly, even when living under the same roof with Noriko, no conversation takes place. She is a human being, so you should talk to her! I wanted to go into the movie and slap her on the butt.

Shikishima is a modern young man and felt like a modern human being. He cannot make relationships. If he had been born during the high-growth period, he would have been able to create human relationships, but as a non-regular dispatched worker, his mind and job are like living in a day job. Shikishima is a man who symbolizes such young men who live in a work environment where human conversation is impossible. I had to watch the film after being repeatedly urged to do so.

Shikishima, from my perspective, is my father's generation. This is the generation of many repatriates who returned home after the war and had no homes, fields, or jobs. For example, they are similar to those who returned from Manchuria and went to Tsushima in Namie, Fukushima Prefecture to cultivate land, but were exposed to radiation and lost all confidence in their hometown and way of life. A man who, upon returning home, is no longer a subject of the emperor or of the independent nation of Japan, but has no choice but to live under occupying rule. A generation like Yukio Mishima's, who concluded themselves by committing suicide by ritual suicide, while fiercely urging the Japanese people to rebuild their culture with the emperor as the center of it. They were about 20 years old at the time of the war's defeat, and Shikishima's mentality was torn apart by the Imperial Constitution and the Japanese Constitution. Shikishima lost confidence, but they did not commit seppuku suicide, they just lived. He is a man who can't or won't create a new family...a man who can't help himself. I like that setup...I thought.

(Note: There is a tendency to use the exaggerated term "world" to describe the mere idea of the narrator himself, from which the name "Sekai-kei" was derived.)

I thought the story after that and the flashy battle with Godzilla were not important.... Godzilla is a disaster that comes in waves to the man of Sekaikei...it would be more interesting to see it that way.

The closing of the event regenerated the confidence of the surviving Sosaku Tachibana maintenance captain on Otojima, who finished the one remaining fighter plane, and Shikishima's suicide attack on Godzilla. It was a stylish turn of events.

More stylishly, Shikishima says, "I will die here with Godzilla!" With this determination, he makes a suicide attack on Godzilla, but is saved. The maintenance captain had built a device to save him so that the moment the missile was launched, the cockpit would soar high into the sky. Although this is not depicted, Shikishima regains confidence. Godzilla's face breaks and regenerates as it sinks off the coast of Sagami Bay.

Live and fight! Yamazaki whips the young man into shape...but what will happen?

The film ends with everyone going "Banzai," anticipating the good fortune of Noriko, who is missing after being attacked by Godzilla, as if it were an afterthought.

It was also interesting to see how the doctor was portrayed, uselessly, in Minus One. How much of the flashy VFX and how much of the live action? I couldn't tell from watching it. Anyway, it is drawn flamboyantly. I was impressed that they could draw Godzilla's body in detail.






You may be thinking, "Don't interpret it as you like....

Suzuki: That's fine, it's up to you all to interpret.

Sato: The whole image is flashy... In comparison, a young man without a job is regenerating? Live and resist, ... It is also interesting that the film ends without clarifying where the salvation lies.

It is said that the number of single-person households is increasing and is about to reach 40% of all households. There, the term "lonely death" has also taken root, as depicted in the 2005 NHK broadcast of "Hitori Danchi Ichiritsu de" ("In a single room in a single apartment complex"). It is used in government on a daily basis. What does it mean to fight against disasters in such a world? This movie made me think about many things.

It is difficult to build human relationships, including among family members, both in the present and in the past. From the first "Godzilla" film to "Minus One," I think it was people isolated within their own families that were depicted. Shikishima may be a semi-anti-hero, but he doesn't cause any incidents. I think that is Koichi Shikishima....

Percentage of General Households by Family Type









Young man on Odo Island surprised by Godzilla's appearance. The slim and scary expression is effective. The beams of the collapsing house are also effective.

■ Minus one has its advantages. 

Hanada: Godzilla minus one is not without its merits. I was impressed by its creation in the immediate postwar period, the period of occupation with GHQ. At that time, people who had returned from the war were in charge of dealing with Gojira. Their perception at that time was that the Japanese government and the U.S. military could not be relied on, so we had to do it ourselves! That's why they gather together. Like a volunteer army. That is interesting.

After having experienced the war, we said that we do not trust the Japanese government, and we also do not trust the U.S. military that came in as an occupying force. So, we ourselves, as a civil society, are the private sector. It's a kind of civilian vitality. So we have no choice but to respond to Gojira. I think this is interesting.

 However, I think it lacks a bit of reality. In other words, there is no reason why the U.S. military would not appear in the film, and they would appear even if we left them out, so I feel that the story is fictitious, and that the film was forced to take a civilian energy route. I felt a little uncomfortable about that.

Also, in terms of visuals, I think it is too bright, although it is a comparison with the first film. In Minus One, Godzilla is active during the daytime. It is active under the bright sunlight. I think that's why they were trying to make the bright scenes more powerful with VFX. I prefer the dark, dark night of the first film, where Godzilla appears. So, even for special effects, the first film was shot with stuffed animals. Minus One was made with VFX, and the technique for depicting Godzilla is different, but if you ask me whether it was daytime or dark night, I think Godzilla in the dark was more realistic.

Something about Minus One is that the images are too bright, like it's broad daylight. The brightness of the images, with everyone trying their best to exterminate Godzilla with the energy of the private sector, was very disconcerting to me. I was very uncomfortable with the brightness itself.

Suzuki: Smile
『ゴジラ』 | 予告編 | ゴジラ 第1作目
登場する役者 みなさんスリム

Godzilla" | Trailer | Godzilla: The First Movie Actors appearing in the film Everyone Slim




私が第一作で好きなのは、芹沢(大助)博士オキシジェン・デストロイヤー(Oxygen Destroyer)の公表を彼が悩む。「これを使わないとゴジラは殺せないけど、これを世の中に知らせるとまた悪用されてしまう」と、悩んで、最後はオキシジン・デストロイヤーを渡すんだけど、それと一緒に死んでしまう。



The following cast picture is screenshot from the trailer.

Sato: Godzilla's birth, Godzilla's birth might not have been explained in Minus One?

Suzuki: There was one, and there is an explanation that it was created by a nuclear test. The U.S. military discovered it. There was a lot of radioactivity around it, and it was said at the beginning that it was a nuclear test.... I think that's probably true. The origin is the same. It is different from other Godzilla movies. American Godzilla movies don't have that at all, and the origin is not clear. On the contrary, they try to kill Godzilla with a hydrogen bomb, or with weapons. The origin of Godzilla is the hydrogen bomb and nuclear tests, so I was glad that they went back to that.

I think the first film is good because it is full of the government's concealing attitude, which is still common today. Godzilla comes from the Shinagawa area. Godzilla chases after and attacks the ruins of the Tokyo Air Raid. That is exactly what Mr. Hanada just said, that it comes at night. The first film was more terrifying than the second one.

My favorite part of the first film is Dr. Serizawa (Daisuke). He worries about the release of the Oxygen Destroyer. He gives the Oxygen Destroyer to Dr. Serizawa, but he dies with it.

It is a very tragic ending, but the conflict of the scientists is almost absent in Minus One, and civil society has no idea what the reason is. In Minus One, Godzilla is not dead, but regenerates! There was a scene at the end, wasn't there?








Sato: It's a big difference! Minus one, the scene where you regenerate while sinking underwater was the closing.

Suzuki: The reason why Noriko Oishi survived in the hospital is that in the last scene, there is a shadow on her neck, though it is not easy to notice. It is not easy to notice, but I noticed it because I watched the movie twice. The shadow on her neck is probably due to Godzilla's radiation, which is why she was able to regenerate. That's how she survived. Then she became an alter ego of Gojira. That seems to be the setup.

Sato: Was that how it was set up? I hadn't noticed. I see.

Suzuki: So I am very much looking forward to the second film. Of all the special visual effects in Minus One, the one that surprised me the most was the scene where Godzilla swims through the ocean. There is a scene where Godzilla swims and chases after the de-mining ship that the main character is on. Swimming, that has never happened before. In American films, Godzilla used to walk or swim underwater. It's very difficult for him to swim face first on the surface of the water, jabbing and jabbing! It's the first time, that's a great technique.

Sato: The VFX was a composite of human jabbering splashes!

Suzuki: Yes, the VFX, I think that was probably appreciated. It was very powerful.
Sato: Yes, there is a difference between a stuffed Godzilla and a VFX Godzilla: the VFX can create an image close up to Godzilla's nose hairs, with or without a close-up drawing.

Suzuki: His face is huge. If you compare the face to the overall balance, the swimming scene is huge.

Sato: Indeed, if you imagine Godzilla swimming underwater, his head might be much larger than the set height, but when he appears on the ground, he has a very small head and face.




The above picture is a screencap from the embedded video.

Suzuki: Yes, yes. And then you shoot them with mines. And then there is the scene where he breaks his face. In short, the scene where Godzilla comes swimming and the scene where he swims and shoots Godzilla with the mine is quite well done. The swimming scene is amazing! I was so impressed that I watched it.

For example, in Jurassic Park, there is no such thing as dinosaurs swimming and chasing. They swim underwater or get out of the water and jump to catch things. Godzilla minus one didn't eat many people, did it? Only in the beginning, I think.

Sato: In the first battle scene on Odo Island, you just had a mechanic in your mouth. That picture was less terrifying because it looked like a broken doll.

Suzuki: That part is like Jurassic Park. The scene where they swim after him is the most powerful, and that part is interesting no matter how many times I see it! That is the best part of Minus One. I think it beats the original Godzilla.
But the story, as you said, the relationship between the two of them and the neighbor's wife is like a copy of the situation at the time and, as I just learned for the first time, certainly a copy of the victims, that's for sure. I heard good feedback. Have you seen Shin Godzilla?







■ Shin Godzilla is the Fukushima nuclear accident

Hanada: I have not seen it. I have only seen the original and Minus One.

Sato: I watched Shin Godzilla.
Suzuki: Shin Godzilla is the Fukushima nuclear accident.
Sato: I see what you mean (laughs). I understood that the plot was all about criticism of the government, but it was hard to understand the whole story because there were no decisions to be made.
Suzuki: That was clearly an ironic response to the Fukushima nuclear accident. It's the ice wall at the end, isn't it? That is a frozen soil wall ha ha ha.
Sato: Shin Godzilla was stuck across the Yamanote Line and that was the end of it. It was not interesting.

Suzuki: That was poor crisis management within the Japanese government, and criticism of the government. It's the stragglers within the government that are active.
Sato: Is Shin Godzilla an agent of the U.S. government, or a woman giving orders?

Suzuki: Yeah, yeah, I don't understand that one... haha.

Sato: Instructions from the U.S. to respond to the nuclear accident at Fukushima? I wickedly wondered if something like that had happened.... (See embedded video below)
原発と原爆】戦後日本の原子力問題 背後にあったアメリカの核戦略|ABEMAドキュメンタリー

Nuclear Power and the Atomic Bomb] Postwar Nuclear Issues in Japan: The U.S. Nuclear Strategy Behind the War|ABEMA Documentary

















■ Why did Dr. Serizawa die with Godzilla?

Suzuki: I thought what Dr. Hanada said about Minus One being fought by Civil Society/Civil Society was an interesting perspective, too. That technology is a bit strange, isn't it? Hmmm. Minus One fighting Godzilla, that's technically strange. In that sense, Oxygen Destroyer (circled in yellow) is more interesting than Oxygen Destroyer (circled in yellow), if it doesn't make sense anyway. I think Minus One failed in the way it approached reality.

Sato: I think it is good that the actors in the first Godzilla film had their faces and bodies squeezed (when they were starving) and looked like people after the defeat. As Dr. Hanada pointed out, the way Godzilla comes out is scary. Minus one is that the actors are too fat and too shiny (laugh) to look like people right after the defeat. As Dr. Hanada pointed out, one of the films has several times more specific and familiar fears.

Suzuki: Scary scary.

Sato: Godzilla doesn't appear, but it's scary. While sleeping in a fisherman's house on Odo Island, Godzilla appears, the earth shakes, and a beam from the roof of the house falls on the bed! That picture is scary. Living in the architectural world, the image of wooden structures falling apart and being crushed to death comes to mind, and there is that reality. It is scary that this image is directly related to the reality of houses in Japan, an earthquake-prone country. Even if they are reinforced against earthquakes, they will be meaningless when Godzilla appears.
Minus one is the way Godzilla appears, which is not scary at all! The dinosaur from Jurassic Park turns around and eats a human's head, showing a headless man...scary because it makes the dinosaur run around indoors and outdoors to attack people....

Suzuki: As Dr. Hanada said, the original Godzilla is scary coming out of the darkness all of a sudden.

Sato: The story and main characters of "Godzilla" are set in the style of a Showa-era family reunion. The story is about four people: Dr. Yamane, a researcher of paleontology, his daughter, his apprentice Dr. Serizawa, and his daughter's fiancee (?), a salvage contractor. The story is about four people. The one-eyed Dr. Serizawa appears and the story unfolds as they fight Godzilla in the midst of a petit triangle and the intimacy of a Showa family. It's an easy story for the audience to relate to because it's familiar and easy to imagine.

Suzuki: Easy to understand, the first one is.

Sato: Minus one, the story line is hard to understand. Dr. Suzuki's point that I didn't understand was, "Why does Dr. Serizawa become bones with Godzilla?" That point is difficult to understand.
I guess I'm pointing out that if you output your own brain weapon and leave a paper behind, it will spread around the world, and if the Oxygen Destroyer spreads, all life on earth will become bone.
When I asked Dr. Suzuki about the manufacturing process of the atomic bomb, he told me that scientists share and develop the latest theories and experiments from all over the world as a form of collaborative knowledge, so that once one piece is manufactured, the technology is transmitted to every corner of the world. Such an idea is not in the first Godzilla film. It is interesting that this was revealed in the first Godzilla film.

Suzuki: Even if Dr. Serizawa dies, his thesis remains, and he becomes bone together with Godzilla, which is the connection to the movie "Oppenheimer".

Sato: One work ends up as bones with the enemy. I wonder what Japanese scientists think about it...I doubt that it will be closed inwardly.

Suzuki: Once you open Pandora's box, you can no longer open it, and once you open it, you can no longer open it.

Sato: I don't think it's like a scientist to become bones along with his findings and deliverables...that's the only part I don't understand no matter how many times I hear it.

Suzuki: Dr. Serizawa developed it all by himself. It will disappear from the earth when he dies. Oppenheimer was one of the scientists of the "Manhattan Project.



















01 02 03  04 日本語版リンク Japanese version link


Newspaper society page for March 17, 1954

Variety of Scientists' Claims

Hanada: What I find interesting about the first Godzilla film are the two scientists. Dr. Yamane, a paleontologist, and Dr. Serizawa, a paleontologist, are supposed to be the favorite disciples of each other, but they have different specialties. Dr. Serizawa is a medicinal chemist. I think those two scientists are the protagonists of the first film. That is why they have different stances. Dr. Yamane is a paleontologist and says, "Don't kill Gojira! He says, "Don't kill Gojira! He is protective of Gojira, saying, "Don't attack Gojira by shining light on it," or "Don't attack Gojira because it will be frightened and go berserk.

Suzuki: I adore Godzilla. Ha ha ha ha.

Hanada: You are indeed a biologist! That's why I think of him as a biologist. In that respect, Dr. Yamane has a different opinion of Godzilla from the others. Dr. Serizawa, who has one eye and is Dr. Yamane's favorite pupil, invented the Oxygen Destroyer on his own. He says he will not disclose it because it would be a weapon of mass destruction if it were used for political purposes and used in war.
However, after being shown the devastation caused by Godzilla and hearing the songs of the girls, he makes an emotional turnaround and decides to use the Oxygen Destroyer. He decides to use the Oxygen Destroyer, but only once. So that's how he dives into the sea to be near Godzilla.

The invention is successful and Godzilla becomes bone underwater. After confirming the result, he would cut the diving suit's retractor and oxygen inhalation pipes with his own hands with a knife and leave it all in the dark, along with the knowledge of the Oxygen Destroyer.

There are two ways of relating to science. In other words, we respect life, even if it is Godzilla... or should I say, we respect life. In short, there are two ways of looking at it: one is that we should keep it alive, and the other is that we will eventually use the Oxygen Destroyer that we have invented to destroy Godzilla, and turn it into bones. But he uses it in exchange for his own life.

Mr. Sato sent me a DVD of the first Godzilla film a few months ago, and I watched it for the first time, albeit belatedly, but I think it is very thought-provoking. In short, it makes you think. Minus One didn't make me think about anything.

(laughing) heartily at the audience

Suzuki: Really? Ha ha ha.

Hanada: The first Godzilla film is an entertaining film, as is the film "Oppenheimer," but the first Godzilla film made me think about various things, in short, it was intellectually stimulating.
Suzuki: Smile

Sato: Certainly, since he came to Japan in 1960, Oppenheimer could have viewed "Godzilla. Dr. Hideki Yukawa, who invited him to Japan, should have been allowed to view it (laughs).

Hanada: I wonder what Oppenheimer would think of the first Godzilla film.

Sato: It is possible that you are watching it.

Hanada: Is it not mentioned in the biography "Oppenheimer"?

Sato: I don't think there was any mention in the biography that he even came to Japan.... (Note: Sato's statement is incorrect because a photograph of his visit to Japan is included in the lower volume of the biography.)

Hanada: I haven't even read the biography, so I can't speak highly of it. I wonder if that film director or screenwriter (Takeo Murata and Inoshiro Honda) made the first Godzilla film knowing about Oppenheimer and thinking about Oppenheimer's fate......and if he made Dr. Serizawa and the Oxygen Destroyer appear....

Suzuki: I don't know, but I am certain that the Daigo Fukuryu Maru atomic bombing had an impact on the production of "Godzilla.

Sato: I remember Dr. Hanada's hypothesis because it is interesting, and I wanted to hit up the materials of director Honda Inoshiro and others (laughs).

 Continued in Part 2 

01 02 03 04  Links to Japanese and English versions
September 6, 1960 Asahi Shimbun, p. 11 Stayed from 5th to 25th